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Professor Frey presents to federal government on Workplace Suicide Prevention - National Guidelines

Dr. Jodi Frey, Professor and Co-Chair of the American Association of Suicidology Workplace Suicide Prevention Committee presented on May 20, 2021 to leaders throughout the federal government on the National Guidelines for Workplace Suicide Prevention as part of the Office of Personnel Management, National Summit on Workplace Mental Health Awareness.

Her session, "Aspiring to a zero suicide mindset at work: Research-based U.S. National Guidelines for Suicide Prevention and Postvention" introduce all sectors of the federal government no only to an overview of the Guidelines, but reasons why suicide prevention should be a health and safety priority at work and how attendees can take at least one action step today to start building a sustainable and comprehensive strategy for workplace suicide Prevention. To learn more about the National Guidelines and the work of Dr. Frey and colleagues from American Association of Suicidology, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and United Survivors of Suicide, see

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