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Mayor’s Office of Children & Family Success Helps Fund SSW Trauma Project

Over $23,000 has been awarded to the SSW from the Baltimore Mayor’s Office of Children & Family Success to help develop, implement, and evaluate trauma-informed services in Baltimore City.

The Mayor's Office for Child and Family Success is contracting the SSW's Kyla Liggett-Creel to act as a consultant on Trauma prevention and intervention in Baltimore City. Dr. Liggett-Creel will be the co-chair for the Trauma Informed Care Workgroup for the Mayor's Office of Child and Family Success as well as staff the Youth Workgroup on the Baltimore City Trauma Taskforce.

The work of the Trauma-Informed Care Workgroup and the Youth workgroup on the Trauma Taskforce may lead to a decrease in violence throughout Baltimore City as well as the development of a more culturally grounded and responsive trauma-informed youth system of care in Baltimore City.

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