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Honoring American Indian Heritage Month

It is a time to recognize and honor the cultures, heritages, and living practices of Native people who have stewarded these lands for generations. The Intercultural Center acknowledges the ancestral land of the Paskestikweya people in Baltimore City and we humbly offer our respects to the elders, past and present citizens, of the Cedarville Band of the Piscataway Conoy, the Piscataway Indian Nation, the Piscataway Conoy Tribe, and all Algonquian Peoples.

The Intercultural Center invites you to the following events in honor of American Indian Heritage Month.

Guide to Indigenous Maryland

November 9, 2022 I 12 - 1 PM I Zoom

Dr. Elizabeth Rule, Assistant Professor of Critical Race, Gender, and Culture Studies at American University and enrolled citizen of the Chickasaw Nation, returns to discuss her latest digital project A Guide to Indigenous Maryland. The guide remembers and honors the historical and present day experiences of Indigenous people in the state of Maryland.

The Table Dialogue: What Does it Mean to Celebrate Thanksgiving?

November 15, 2022 I 12 - 1 PM I Zoom

The holiday of Thanksgiving has long been criticized for whitewashing the history of colonialism in the U.S. What does it mean to celebrate this day in the year 2022? Is the holiday celebrated in the same way across racial and ethnic groups in the U.S.? We'll unpack this and more in this month's dialogue.

The Table Dialogue is a virtual monthly dialogue series that invites students, staff, and faculty from across the seven schools at UMB to have critical conversations on social identities and current events.

Common Cultural Characteristics: A Visual Performance and Lecture on American Indian Traditions

November 18, 2022 I 12 - 1 PM I SMC Campus Center Room ELM A & B

The Intercultural Center and the School of Nursing's Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion invite you to a visual performance and lecture provided by Mr. Keith Colston. Mr. Colston lectures on the American Indian Tribes/Indigenous communities that are indigenous to Maryland and discusses historical facts and contemporary events. There will also be various dances that Mr. Colston will share with the audience during the program and he will provide details and explanations of the dances and music. Refreshments will be served.

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