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Gender Dysphoria in Adults: Moving Beyond Diagnosis & Toward Affirmative Practice

March 18, 2021

3:30-4:30 p.m. ET

The Institute for Innovation and Implementation's Center of Excellence on LGBTQ+ Behavioral Health Equity is hosting a webinar aimed at practitioners interested in building knowledge to serve transgender and gender diverse clients.

The first part of the webinar will introduce Gender Dysphoria as the experience and as the DSM diagnosis with a focus on exploring both the benefits and limitations of the diagnostic criteria. We will discuss emerging literature on the experiences of gender dysphoria among trans and gender diverse adults, as well as the different manifestations of dysphoric feelings over time and across clients. Furthermore, attendees will learn about how gender dysphoria can negatively impact clients’ psychological, interpersonal, and occupational functioning. Clinical strategies for supporting clients with gender dysphoria will be explored. Finally, the importance of gender affirming experiences will be discussed. One of the co-presenters will share his lived experiences of gender dysphoria and gender affirming interventions with particular attention to the implications for clinical practice.

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