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David Crumpton Published in Three Journals

david crumpton

David Crumpton, SSW Adjunct Lecturer, Senior Research Associate at the Institute for Government Service and Research at UMD, CP and Visiting Professor at the Federal University of Goiás in Brazil, and his colleagues at Khon Kaen University in Thailand have recently published a series of articles in three international journals: International Journal of Asia Pacific Studies; Global Change, Peace & Security; and, Nationalism & Ethnic Politics. The articles explore the relationship between Thai institutional arrangements and social and political oppression against political opponents and racial minorities. They provide analysis of how the Thai institutionalized "social cage" of military, royalist, and capitalist elites have exerted political and social control through military conscription, suppression of student dissent, and racist policies. Citations: Sripokangkul, S., Draper, J.Hinke, C.J. & Crumpton, C.D. (2018). The military draft in Thailand: a critique from a nonkilling global political science perspective, Global Change, Peace & Security. Available at Draper, J., Sobieszczyk, T., Crumpton, C.D., Lefferts H.L. & Chachavalpongpun, P. (2019). Racial “Othering” in Thailand: Quantitative Evidence, Causes, and Consequences. Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 25:3, 251-272. Available at Sripokangkul, S., Draper, J., Crumpton, C.D., & Muangming, A. (2019). Understanding the social environment determinants of student movements: A consideration of student activism in Thailand and the Thai “social cage.” International Journal of Asia Pacific Studies 15 (1): 59–96. Available at

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