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The Positive Schools Center (PSC) Seeking Interns


The Positive Schools Center (PSC) is looking for two Advanced MACRO students interested in educational policy and school climate work. In order to create positive, supportive, and mindful learning communities, the PSC is guided by its 5 core tenets:

• Creating restorative environments • Reducing implicit bias and promoting racial equity • Promoting trauma-responsive educational practices • Encouraging social, emotional, and character development • Engaging student, family and community voices in education The PSC is looking for Advanced Macro interns to forward the PSC’s mission in some of the following ways: • School Climate Collaborative: The PSC provides training, leadership development and staff coaching in 17 Baltimore City Public Schools.

The PSC is looking for an advanced student to help plan, support, and implement: • School-based professional development sessions • School- and city-wide school climate strategic planning • Qualitative and quantitative data collection in PSC schools • Grant writing

The position would be based out of the School of Social Work, Social Work Community Outreach Service office, but would involve frequent visits to schools throughout Baltimore and occasionally surrounding regions. Students will gain experience in program design, management, and evaluation. • Policy and Advocacy Work: The PSC participates in a number of organizations advocating for more restorative and just discipline practices in school districts throughout the state. The PSC is looking for an advanced student to help research, draft, and support lobbying efforts.

Some of the issues the PSC is currently focusing include: • Reversing the School-to-Prison-Pipeline and student involvement in the juvenile justice system • Outlawing districts’ over-reliance on punitive discipline approaches • Funding restorative strategies and other positive alternatives to transform school climate • Preventing disproportional discipline and the presence of implicit bias and racial inequality • Promoting more equitable school funding

The student will gain experience researching and drafting policy recommendations at the state and local levels. The position would be based out of the School of Social Work, Social Work Community Outreach Service office, but would require visits throughout the region, including to Annapolis and surrounding districts. Beginning this summer, the PSC will also be seeking a work-study students to support its work in a variety of areas including data management and supporting its social media and web presence. If you are interested in meeting to discuss possible internship opportunities with the PSC, please contact their Program Manager, Emily Ames-Messinger at

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