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SSW Staff Profile: Coretta McKenzie

Every other week during the semester we will showcase one staff member. This week we get to know Coretta McKenzie, a Program Management Specialist in our Field Office.

How would you describe yourself?

Loyal, friendly and a hard worker.

When did you join the SSW and what is your day-to-day role?

I joined SSW in 2008. I am in charge of administrative duties in the Office of Field Education as well as work with web administrator on the Electronic Field Notebook, and update the website for the office.

What skills are needed for your role? Basic computer skills, understanding database functions, office 365.

What's the most rewarding and challenging part of your work?

The. most rewarding part of the job is helping students and liaisons get acclimated with the systems of the office. The challenging part is trying to make everyone happy.

What would you be doing if you hadn't followed this career path?

Administrative assistant in a hospital setting

How do you relax when you're not at work?

Watch movies, go to the mall and hang out with my boys.

What's playing in your car right now? R&B

What would you most like to tell yourself at age 13?

Everything will be ok.

You're happiest when.... I'm shopping.

Where can people find you on social media if they want to follow you?


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