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Register for interprofessional service course, Social Justice & Our Community (1 credit, tuition

The University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) is offering a service-learning course to all UMB students for the fall 2017 semester. Students will receive hands-on, professional experience with community health programs by working with partner organizations in the community surrounding UMB. Through service learning students will learn how community health programs are developed, organized, implemented, and evaluated as well as how interprofessional teams successfully function, how to interact with individuals and groups living in our community, and how to report on their observations to peers and supervisors. Students who wish to take this course will register through their school’s normal registration process. This course links the experiential with the theoretical by providing hands-on professional experience in the University of Maryland, Baltimore’s surrounding community. Providing true service learning is the ultimate goal of this course in which students will learn by providing for the expressed need of the community. Students will learn how community health programs (broadly defined) are developed, organized, implemented, and evaluated; how interprofessional teams successfully function; how to interact with individuals and groups living in our community; as well as how to report their observations to peers and supervisors. Students will work with organizations with which the University has formed partnerships to meet the course learning objectives. Students will be required to reflect on the service-learning experience in formal written reflections. Service learning is a form of experiential education in which students engage in activities that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities intentionally designed to promote student learning and development. Reflection is a key element of service learning. It is one of the elements that differentiates service learning from community service. Equally important in differentiating service learning from community service is reciprocity between the person providing the service and the person receiving the service. Through the reciprocity associated with service learning, students gain a better sense of belonging to that community while community members are empowered to address and advocate for their own needs. See attached for full details of the course or contact the course instructor, Dr. Lori Edwards. • Course Name: CIPP 970: Interprofessional Service • Course Credit: 1 credit hour (tuition free) • Hosting School: University of Maryland, Baltimore Graduate School • Instructor: Lori Edwards, DrPH, MPH, RN, PHCNS-BC • Email:

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