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Licensure Prep in March

A two-day intensive comprehensive review program prepares MSW graduates to pass the LGSW, LCSW and LCSW-C state licensing exams. The program incorporates a review of test taking strategies using sample multiple choice questions that are similar to those found on the licensing exam. Participants will receive volumes I & II of the Comprehensive Study Guide and Practice Questions from Social Work Examination Services. Social workers who use SWES materials perform better on licensing examinations. In fact, these students pass in high numbers (92%), and with high scores (average 84%). Exam scores exceeding 90% are not uncommon. 1000 Thursday - Friday, March 16-17, 2017, 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Baltimore, $325, CEUs: 12, Instructor: Corey Beauford, LICSW, LCSW-C Register at:

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