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Public Health Financial Social Work Course - This Spring!

Do you ask clients about money? Do you know how your values about money impact your work with clients? And the connection between health and money from the community perspective? Take this class this Spring to explore the health and money connection now!

This research course in Public Health Financial Social Work offers students the opportunity to conduct a primary or secondary cross-sectional quantitative data analysis project demonstrating the association between health and household economics. This course uses the socio-economic determinants of health as the theoretical framework to inform the formation, implementation, analysis, and dissemination of introductory research questions, methods, and analyses. Introductory research methods are used to examine Public Health Financial Social Work research questions as they pertain to raising awareness of the link between health and household economics among social work students, their clients, communities, and social systems. The public health lens approaches social problems through an emphasis on prevention and the promotion of health and financial social work examines barriers and opportunities to increase the financial stability of vulnerable populations in the community context.

Email Sally for more info!

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