Apr 12, 20211 min

UMB Hypothesis Social Annotation Pilot Launch

The SSW community is invited to join the UMB Hypothesis Social Annotation Pilot Launch virtual meetup, which will take place Thursday 4/22/21 at 12:15-1:15 p.m. Eryn Barker from Hypothes.is will discuss how collaborative annotation can be used to make student reading visible, active, and social. She will also demonstrate how instructors are using annotation-powered reading to empower student writing, helping students develop these academic skills. In addition to sharing pedagogical best practices for collaborative annotation, Eryn will demonstrate how Hypothesis can be used with course readings in Blackboard. After presenting, Eryn will lead participants in a discussion about how Hypothesis collaborative annotation can be used in their specific concentrations and with their specific teaching and learning objectives. Participants can expect to come away from this session with a clear idea about how they can start incorporating collaborative annotation into their courses to improve student success.

Please register for the Zoom virtual event here: https://hypothesis.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Hv76k5woS_GZctVhR0aRZg

Read more about social annotation:
