Feb 24, 20222 min

Deadline Extended for Oncology Social Work Fellowships

Updated: Apr 7, 2022

There is Still Time to Apply to be an Oncology Social Work Fellow!

We are pleased to announce that the University of Maryland School of Social Work will be able to provide oncology social work fellowships to UMDSSW social work students (MSW and PhD) with an interest in oncology social work. Oncology social work is the subspeciality of social work in health care that involves working with (or on behalf of) people with cancer and their families. AOSW is the primary organization for social workers in oncology (Association for Oncology Social Work) (AOSW.org).

The SSW OSW Fellowships make it possible for some of our students to attend the annual meeting of the Association of Oncology Social Work. This year, the meeting is scheduled to be held in person in Raleigh, North Carolina from June 15 - June 17, 2022. The schedule for the 2022 conference can be found at AOSW.org (2022 Annual Conference).

The OSW fellowship will pay for conference registration and student membership in AOSW for a year, in addition to airfare (Baltimore – Raleigh) and three nights of hotel stay (Tues, Wed and Thurs)*. Meals are not covered, but the conference provides a limited breakfast and a reception on Wednesday night. Usually there are also a couple of sponsored luncheon sessions. Fellows will also be able to get CEU credits if they wish, although there may be a small additional fee. Networking is an important component of in-person conferences, and AOSW has developed an “app” that allows conference attendees of the conference to connect as well.

If you are interested in applying for an OSW Fellowship, please use the link below to complete an online application. Deadline for applications is Monday, March 21 , 2022, 5 pm. The link to the application is https://umbforms.wufoo.com/forms/qqvez8m1mrz96y/

*Hotel rooms are at the conference hotel and are usually shared by two students.