Mar 9, 20211 min

Dean Postmus & Faculty from Financial Social Work Initiative co-sponsor conference

On February 25, 2021, the UMBSSW Financial Social Work Initiative (FSWI) co-sponsored the 2nd part of a 2-part Convening Event with the Brown School of Social Work, Center for Social Development. Day 2 was titled, "Theory, Evidence, Education and Practice in Financial Capability and Asset Building (FCAB)."

UMSSW Dean Judy Postmus provided a welcome message to start the day, and presentations throughout the day focused on topics including Financial security, technology and equity; International FCAB; Dean's panel on FCAB education and practice; and a funder's panel, moderated by UMSSW alum, Meg Woodside. Additional presenters on various topics including problem gambling in credit counseling settings and financial social work education included Jodi Frey, PhD, Chair of FSWI, Christine Callahan, PhD and Rachel Imboden, MSW.

To learn more about the conference, click here:

To access selected presentation videos directly, click here:

We thank the funders for this event including: National Endowment for Financial Education, CSD, UMSSW, FSWI, Calvin K. Kazanjean Economics Foundation, Woodside Foundation and Grand Challenges of Social Work.

To learn more about the UMSSW Financial Social Work Initiative, click here: .