Apr 30, 20201 min

Professor Lisa Berlin, Alum Liz Aparicio and colleagues publish paper in the Journal of Interpersona

New paper from School of Social Work faculty member, Dr. Lisa Berlin, Alum Dr. Elizabeth Aparicio of the University of Maryland-College Park, former colleague Dr. Tiffany Martuccio, and colleagues analyzes 7 years of data on CPS reports on a sample of mothers recruited during pregnancy. They looked at the effect of a maternal history of maltreatment on risk of a CPS investigation among the children of these mothers.


They found that maternal maltreatment doubled the risk of CPS investigation, but maternal sexual abuse conferred even greater risk. The study further explore the role of substance use and aggressive responding as mediators in the relationship between maternal maltreatment and later CPS investigation of their children.


Learn more here: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0886260520914542
