Apr 22, 20201 min

Corey Shdaimah and Jonas Rosen Published in Child Welfare

Corey Shdaimah, PhD, Daniel Thursz Distinguished Professor of Social Justice at the School of Social Work and Jonas Rosen, MSW, have a new article published in Child Welfare that reports findings from a focus group study (N = 57) soliciting foster parent perspectives on court engagement, which were shaped by understandings of their role vis-à-vis children they foster and were often at odds with other stakeholder perspectives.

As “24/7” carers, respondents wished to share information so that foster system stakeholders could make informed decisions about children’s needs and placement. Receptivity varied; respondents developed information-sharing strategies. The authors provide recommendations for creating a receptive environment to enable foster parents to share appropriate information.

More details can be found at Shdaimah, C. & Rosen, J. (2020). ‘We’re the Eyes for these Children 24 Hours a Day’: Foster Parents’ Understanding of their Role as Foster Carers. Child Welfare, 98(1), 1-22.