Oct 31, 20181 min

Free Screening of "The Homestretch" and discussion of youth homelessness in MD - lunch and

It is estimated that an astounding 1.6 million youth experiencing homelessness live in the US. "The Homestretch" is an Emmy-award winning documentary that follows three youth experiencing homelessness as they fight to build a future, shedding light on this often invisible population and the struggles and challenges they face every day.


On November 9, from 12-4pm, join the local management boards of Anne Arundel County, Baltimore County, and Baltimore City for a free screening of the film followed by a candid discussion with local youth who have experienced homelessness and the providers that serve them. A complimentary pizza buffet will be provided from noon to 1pm!


The screening will take place at CCBC Essex, Health, Careers & Technology Building (Room 101) at 7201 Rossville Blvd, Baltimore, MD 21237.


See the attached flyer for all the information and register to attend at www.eventbrite.com/e/the-homestretch-understanding-youth-homelessness-tickets-51043514526?aff=ebdshpsearchautocomplete.


Free CEUs will also be available, but you must request them in advance from Alli Holstrom (SRHols44@aacounty.org).