Jun 21, 20181 min

Working Paper: Detached and Afraid: U.S. Immigration Policy and the Practice of Forcibly Separating

PhD Graduate Tom Crea and UMBC Social Work Associate Professor Jayshree Jani are co-authors of the very timely working paper "Detached and Afraid: U.S. Immigration Policy and the Practice of Forcibly Separating Parents and Young Children at the Border."

A growing number of families immigrating to the U.S. from Central America are being separated at the border, including parents of children who are under age six. We explore what happens to these children once they are separated from their families by examining the nature of the services and programs provided while they are in temporary foster care. We then draw preliminary conclusions about the emerging impact of family separation on outcomes for these children.


(PDF) Detached and Afraid: U.S. Immigration Policy and the Practice of Forcibly Separating Parents and Young Children at the Border. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/325805662_Detached_and_Afraid_US_Immigration_Policy_and_the_Practice_of_Forcibly_Separating_Parents_and_Young_Children_at_the_Border?_esc=publicationCoverPdf&el=1_x_3&enrichId=rgreq-22fbea5fd5bc0fdb8120bd9d5e2623ee-XXX&enrichSource=Y292ZXJQYWdlOzMyNTgwNTY2MjtBUzo2MzgxNjAzODgyMzExNjhAMTUyOTE2MDcwMTUxNA%3D%3D [accessed Jun 21 2018].