Oct 21, 20161 min

State of the City: A Discussion of the DOJ Report - Oct. 26th


On Wednesday, October 26, from 6-8pm at the University of Maryland Carey School of Law, students and members of the community will gather to discuss juvenile justice reform in Baltimore. Speakers will discuss the recently released Department of Justice report and how it affects Baltimore City Public School students including any tentative policing changes proposed for city schools after the release of the DOJ report. This is a public event. BCPS students, parents, and advocates are encouraged to attend.


This event is being coordinated by three law student organizations – the Student Representation Project, the Criminal Law Association, and Baltimore Outreach for Student Success.

Featured Speakers:

Former Deputy Attorney General, Thiru Vignarajah

School of Law Professor, Doug Colbert

Deputy Chief of Baltimore City Schools’ Police, Akil Hamm


This event is being held at the University of Maryland Carey School of Law at 500 West Baltimore Street in the Ceremonial Courtroom. The Ceremonial Courtroom is located on the first floor of the law school building to the right of the atrium and the security guard’s desk as you enter the building.

Dinner will be served after the program in the Atrium.

Register here: www.eventbrite.com/e/juvenile-justice-panel-state-of-the-city-re-doj-report-tickets-28729600007